피인용 문헌
- The Role of ICT and Local Wisdom in Managing Work-Life Balance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study in Malaysia vol.8, pp.9, 2015, https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2021.vol8.no9.0321
Purpose - As the rapid development of ICT has been made recently, many domestic companies are trying to introduce smart work infrastructure. The purpose of institution of smart work is to enhance their performance. To this end, it is necessary to advance the way of working. Developing employees' collective intelligence should be regarded as a prerequisite for advancing the way of working. Job satisfaction of the employees is another important factor to enhance organizational performance. So this study aims to provide the theoretical background of systematic approach to smart work quality by empirically analyzing the effect of smart work quality on collective intelligence and job satisfaction. Research design, data, and methodology - A structural equation model was designed to examine cause-and-effect relationships among three latent variables(smart work quality, collective intelligence, job satisfaction). Three hypotheses were formulated. The first hypothesis is that the effect of smart work quality on collective intelligence will be positively and statistically significant. Likewise, the second hypothesis is that the effect of smart work quality on job satisfaction will be positively and statistically significant. Finally, the third hypothesis is that the effect of collective intelligence on job satisfaction will be positively and statistically significant. Based on the previous researches, 34 questionnaire items were developed to measure the effect of the three variables. The survey was conducted on 162 employees who are working under smart work environment. The number of the effective questionnaires for the analysis was 154. PASW Statistics 18 and AMOS 18 were used for the statistical analysis. Results - The validity and reliability test for questionnaire items have been carried out. From the factor analysis, 1 out of 34 items was eliminated. As a result, 33 out of 34 items were used for analyzing. The values of Cronbach's α ranged from 0.701 to 0.910, indicating the acceptable reliability of the questionnaire items. The values of χ2, df, CFI, TLI, RMSEA of the model are 102.838, 51, 0.949, 0.935, 0.082, respectively. So the structural equation model was statistically significant. The first and third hypotheses were supported. But the second hypothesis was rejected. Conclusions - An analysis using structural equation model showed meaningful implications about the effect of smart work quality on collective intelligence and job satisfaction. First, as the five quality elements of the smart work improved, the level of collective intelligence increased. Second, the statistical analysis showed smart work didn't have a direct effect on job satisfaction, which is inconsistent with the prior findings. The main purpose of smart work is to help achieve greater performance. The companies also need to make efforts to improve job satisfaction of their employees along with achieving greater performance. Third, an organization with higher level of collective intelligence showed greater job satisfaction. The companies under smart work environment need to develop functions to encourage participation, sharing, openness, and collaboration. This research will provide useful information for the companies which want to introduce smart work, distribution information system, management information system, etc.