'연속된 공간, 내부 사회'에 관한 논고 - 건축과 도시 그리고 건축과 전원/시골의 연속적인 공간 관계를 중심으로

Treatise on the Continuum of Spaces, Society of Interiors - Focused on The Continuous Rapport of Space between Architecture and The City, and Architecture and The Countryside

  • 투고 : 2014.12.05
  • 심사 : 2015.03.06
  • 발행 : 2015.04.30


The paper begins with the idea of the society of the continued rooms that building connects architectural space (building interior) and urban open space (urban interior) or countryside/rural open space (territorial interior). It gives an account of, through literature review, a theoretical possibility of integrating not only architecture and urbanism but also architecture and countryside/rural planning. The first site explores the continuously articulated and connected spaces between building interior, urban interior, and territorial interior, in understanding Alberti's analogy, "A house is a little city." (1452) The second site illustrates architecture as an open boundary and a spatial medium which makes building, urban, and territorial interiors connect and makes them continuous. There is an opportunity of reading the continued relations and the continua of spaces. The third site deals with the form of building that architecture creates for building interior (society of rooms) and urban interior (society of urban rooms), and moderates the interiors. The last site clarifies the territorial interior (society of countryside/rural rooms) that constitutes homogeneous spatiality moderated by architecture between building interior and urban interior. The paper discusses the society of the continued interiors(building/urban/territorial interiors) that ought to be a fundamental truth in the field of every project which deals with a unit of space. It logically clarifies the society of the interiors, not isolated and blocked off but multilayered and continued. It comes to the conclusion that the territorial interior should be subsumed under the design field and the society of the continued rooms ought to be considered as a united object of space in the fields of interior architecture/design, architecture, landscape, urbanism and countryside/rural planning. Ultimately, it aims at offering a departing point of discourse and a theoretical foundation for the future studies on urban interior and territorial interior.



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