소나무 잎을 PAS로 이용하여 대기 중 PCDD/Fs 농도 추정

Estimation of PCDD/Fs Concentrations in Ambient Air Using Pine Needles as a Passive Air Sampler (PAS)

  • Chun, Man-Young (Department of Environmental Engineering, Hankyung National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.04
  • 심사 : 2015.04.21
  • 발행 : 2015.04.28


Objective: This study was carried out to use pine needles as a passive air sampler (PAS) for atmospheric polychlorinared dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs). Methods: PCDD/Fs concentrations in ambient air ($C_a$, $pg/m^3$) and deposited pine needles ($C_p$, pg/g dry) were analyzed simultaneously from June 1 to December 31. Air samples were taken using two low volume PUF active air samplers with an overall average air volume of approximately $1,200Sm^3$. Pine needles were collected the end of December near the air sampler. PCDD/Fs was analyzed by HRGC/HRMs. Results: A good correlation was shown ($R^2=0.6357$, p=0.0001) between $C_a$ and $C_p$, but a better correlation ($R^2=0.7372$, p<0.0001) existed between the logarithm of octanol-air partitioning coefficient ($LogK_{oa}$) and Log($C_p/C_a$). The average PCDD/Fs sampling rates from air to pine needles were 0.045($0.018-0.185m^3/day-g\;dry$). Conclusion: It was found that pine needles can be used as PAS for atmospheric PCDD/Fs, and they are especially suitable for long time PAS compared to PUF disk PAS.



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