Impacts of Soil Texture on Microbial Community of Orchard Soils in Gyeongnam Province

  • Kim, Min Keun (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Sonn, Yeon-Kyu (National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Weon, Hang-Yeon (National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Heo, Jae-Young (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Jeong, Jeong-Seok (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Choi, Yong-Jo (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Dae (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Shin, Hyun-Yul (Gyeongsangnam-do Office of Planning and Coordination) ;
  • Ok, Yong Sik (Biochar Research Center, Department of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lee, Young Han (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services)
  • 투고 : 2015.02.24
  • 심사 : 2015.04.22
  • 발행 : 2015.04.30


Soil management for orchard depends on the effects of soil microbial activities. The present study evaluated the soil microbial community of 25 orchard (5 sites for sandy loam, 7 sites for silt loam, and 13 sites for loam) in Gyeongnam Province by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) method. The average values for 25 orchard soil samples were $270nmol\;g^{-1}$ of total FAMEs, $72nmol\;g^{-1}$ of total bacteria, $34nmol\;g^{-1}$ of Gram-negative bacteria, $34nmol\;g^{-1}$ of Gram-positive bacteria, $6nmol\;g^{-1}$ of actinomycetes, $49nmol\;g^{-1}$ of fungi, and $7nmol\;g^{-1}$ of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In addition, silt loam soils had significantly low ratio of cy17:0 to $16:1{\omega}7c$ and cy19:0 to $18:1{\omega}7c$ compared with those of loam soils (p < 0.05), indicating that microbial activity increased. The average soil microbial communities in the orchard soils were 26.7% of bacteria, 17.9% of fungi, 12.6% of Gram-negative bacteria, 12.5% of Gram-positive bacteria, 2.5% of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and 2.2% of actinomycetes. The soil microbial community of Gram-negative bacteria in silt loam soils was significantly higher than those of sandy loam and loam soils (p < 0.05).



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