A Study on the Principles of Form-organization appeared in Louis I Kahn's City Tower in Philadelphia

루이스 칸(Louis I. Kahn)의 필라델피아(Philadelphia) 시티 타워(City Tower)에 나타나는 형태 구성 원리에 관한

  • Received : 2015.01.23
  • Accepted : 2015.04.15
  • Published : 2015.04.30


This article intends to analyze underlying principles of spatial forms in Louis I. Kahn's City Tower project in Philadelphia. The project exhibits the most distinctive feature with regard to its pure geometric forms among Kahn's works. The triangular geometry of the space frame is an important factor to be applied in its plans, structure and elevations. This article first discusses the development process of the project with related works of Kahn and Tyng. Finally, it analyzes the underlying geometric principes embedded in the project.



Supported by : 인하대학교


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