A Comparative Study on Building Cuts by Gordon Matta-Clark and Contemporary Architectural Trends

고든 마타 클락의 건축 자르기와 현대건축사조 비교 연구

  • Received : 2015.01.21
  • Accepted : 2015.04.13
  • Published : 2015.04.30


Gordon Matta-Clark was an artist that used actual buildings as his objets of art in the 1960s and 1970s and has been talked about in the world of art until recently. The purposes of this study were to examine his life and the changing process of his aesthetics with a focus on "building cuts," one of his representative concepts, compare and analyze his works with contemporary architectural trends based on them, and propose a new viewpoint on comparative researches on architecture and art from an architectural perspective. The findings were as follows: first, there was a concept of communication between internal and external space sought after in modernism architecture in his early works. Second, there was a trend of inclination toward mobility rather than place contextuality of postmodernism architecture in his creative activities at Anarchitecture. Third, his deconstruction trend of breaking down the spatial techniques of modernism through the interpenetration of streamlined mass into a grid system grew stronger toward the latter period of his creative works. Finally, the study analyzed his works from an architectural perspective and read a direction toward deconstruction architecture based on the understanding of modernism and postmodernism architecture in his works.



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