현대 패션에 나타난 네온컬러의 특성

Characteristics of Neon Color in Modern Fashion

  • 투고 : 2015.03.09
  • 심사 : 2015.04.30
  • 발행 : 2015.06.29


The purpose of this study is to set up the theoretical foundation for neon colors by recognizing them as important elements of sensitive design and by comprehending their existence as a color fashion responsive to psychological and social background. As the subject of the present the researcher has selected important oversea collections of these five years during which neon colors have fully emerged as popular colors of fashion. The procedure of research was to examine the concept and traits of colors and investigate the utility of neon colors in various fields. The important facts which are acquired from the present study are as follows. First, the analysis of frequency has found out the following color arrangements: neon color only-8.6%(35), neon color+colorless-58.3%(236), neon color+ colored -14.8%(60),neon color+colorless+colored-18.3%(74), and others. The case of neon color used as monochromatic (color) was distinguished into two: single neon color all through and the same color used differently. Color arrangements were divided into analogous arrangement, separation arrangement, dominant arrangement, multi-color arrangement, and accent arrangement. Second, the internal significance of neon colors expressed in fashion can be interpreted into three: emphasis, optical Illusion, and amusing. This study has attempted to raised up the aesthetic value of various color expression and to expand fashion image by interpreting the trends of color fashion together with the traits and aesthetic meaning of color in fashion. The future study intends to expand the expression area of fashion design and to interpret molding beauty through the image of color arrangement and through fashion style utilizing neon colors.



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