총상을 입은 18개월령 중성화된 암컷 고양이가 응급으로 내원하였다. 신체검사 및 신경검사에서 후지마비 및 심부통각소실을 보였으며 방사선사진 및 컴퓨터단층영상에서 1번 요추 왼쪽 근육에 한 개의 탄환(직경 3 mm)이 존재하고 척수강 안에 고신호 점이 나타났다. 탐색적 추궁절제술에서 요추1번 오른쪽 후방 관절돌기의 불완전 골절 및 척수 괴사를 확인하였다. 보호자의 동의하에 안락사 및 부검해 본바 1번 요추 왼쪽 척추뿌리(pedicle)에 균열이 존재했다.
An 18-month-old female spayed domestic short-haired cat, weighing 4.1 kg, was presented as an emergency case after it suffered a gunshot injury. Physical examination of the cat revealed paraplegia, with loss of deep nociception. A bullet (diameter, 3 mm) lodged in the left epaxial muscle at the level of the first lumbar (L1) was observed on radiographic examination, and a hyperattenuating spot in the spinal canal was confirmed using computed tomography. Exploratory laminectomy was performed, and an incomplete fracture of the right caudal articular process of L1 and a necrotizing spinal cord lesion were found. The animal was euthanized and necropsy was performed, which revealed a crack on the left pedicle of L1. This case report presents the first detailed clinical description of a gunshot injury to the spinal cord in a cat.