Hydrolytic Behavior of Vinylsulfonyl Reactive Dyes - Easiness of Dimerization -

  • Kim, In Hoi (School of Chemical Engineering, SungKyunKwan University)
  • 투고 : 2014.07.25
  • 심사 : 2015.03.12
  • 발행 : 2015.03.27


The aim of the current study is to identify the dimerization and decomposition kinetics of the F-$D_M$ type. The regeneration of F-VS from $F_iF_j-D_M$ or the reversibility of the dimerizations were investigated. The order of real rate constants of the dimerization('$K_D{^{ij}}$) would seem to be similar to that of rate constants of a dimerization($K_D{^{ij}}$) for VS dyes at a given pH because of the constancy of the equilibrium constants($K_a{^j}$-value). The reverse reactions of the $D_M$ types are appeared to occur in two steps, the deprotonation of ${\alpha}$-carbon of the $D_M$ types and disproportionation. The ratio of the decomposition of the $D_M$ type to F-Hy and F-VS appears to be related with the ratio of $K_i/K_j$. Similarities were also found among various other reactions, including homo- and mixed dimerization. VS dyes undergoing fast hydrolysis have difficulty in forming a dimer. The higher the reactivity with cellulose or hydroxide ion, the smaller the dimerization. The easiness of the dimerization was thus found to be inversely proportional to the rate of hydrolysis.



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