Performance Analysis of a Cellular Networks Using Power Control Based Frequency Reuse Partitioning

  • Received : 2015.01.08
  • Accepted : 2015.03.17
  • Published : 2015.03.31


This paper focuses on evaluating the performance of a cellular network using power control based frequency reuse partitioning (FRP) in downlink (DL). In our work, in order to have the realistic environment, the spectral efficiency of the system is evaluated through traffic analysis, which most of the previous works did not consider. To further decrease the cell edge user's outage, the concept of power ratio is introduced and applied to the DL FRP based cellular network. In considering network topology, we first divide the cell coverage area into two regions, the inner and outer regions. We then allocate different sub-bands in the inner and outer regions of each cell. In the analysis, for each zone ratio, the performance of FRP system is evaluated for the given number of power ratios. We consider performance metrics such as call blocking probability, channel utilization, outage probability and effective throughput. The simulation results show that there is a significant improvement in the outage experienced by outer UEs with power control scheme compared to that with no power control scheme and an increase in overall system throughput.



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  2. Dynamic Frequency Reuse Scheme Based on Traffic Load Ratio for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks vol.40, pp.12, 2015,