SEM에서 위계모형을 이용한 다중공선성 문제 극복방안 연구 : 소셜커머스의 재구매의도 영향요인을 중심으로

Exploring a Way to Overcome Multicollinearity Problems by Using Hierarchical Construct Model in Structural Equation Model

  • 권순동 (충북대학교 경영정보학과)
  • 투고 : 2015.06.03
  • 심사 : 2015.06.23
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


This study tried to find out how to overcome multicollinearity problems in the structural equation model by creating a hierarchical construct model about the repurchase intention of social commerce. This study selected, as independent variables, price, quality, service, and social influence, based on literature review about social commerce, and then, as detailed variables of independent variables, selected system quality, information quality, transaction safety, order fulfillment and after-sales service, communication, subjective norms, and reputation. As results of empirical analysis about hierarchical construct model, all the independent variables were accepted having a significant impact on repurchase intention of social commerce. Next, this study analyzed the competition model that eight independent variables of price, system quality, information quality, transaction safety, order fulfillment and after-sales service, communication, subjective norm, and reputation directly influence the repurchase intention of social commerce. As results of empirical analysis, system quality, information quality, transaction safety, communication appeared to be insignificant. This study showed that hierarchical construct model is useful to overcome the multicollinearity problem in structural equational model and to increase explanatory power.



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피인용 문헌

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