모바일 페이먼트를 위한 PUF 기반 OTP토큰

  • Published : 2015.03.31




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  9. 이니텍-INISAFE MOBILE OTP, http://www.initech.com/www/html/inisafe/goMenu3_5_1.html
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  11. SafeNet-eToken, http://www.safenet-inc.com/data-protection/authentication/otp-authentication
  12. VASCO-Digipass, http://www.vasco.com/products/products.aspx
  13. ActiveIdentity-Mini, http://www.sentechgroup.com/node/95
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  17. https://www.blackhat.com/docs/sp-14/materials/arsenal/sp-14-Almeida-Hacking-MIFARE-Classic-Cards-Slides.pdf