Policy Suggestions for an Integration of the Family Policy Service Delivery Systems

가족정책 전달체계 통합 논의에 대한 제언

  • 송혜림 (울산대학교 아동가정복지학과) ;
  • 박정윤 (중앙대학교 가족복지학과) ;
  • 진미정 (서울대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 정지영 (여주대학교 사회복지학과)
  • Received : 2014.12.31
  • Accepted : 2015.02.05
  • Published : 2015.02.28


The purpose of this study is to make suggestions for the ongoing process of an integration of the Healthy Families Center and the Center for Multicultural Families. Based on previous studies and interview data from nine service workers at the two institutions, we make the following suggestions. First, a systematic analysis tool should be developed in order to evaluate the effects of the integration initiative with reliability and validity. Second, empirical data should be collected from the users after the integration of the two institutions and be used to promote their satisfaction. Third, a specific preparation should be made to enhance the integration process of the service workers. Fourth, the integration should be considered in the context of the community and networks. Finally, further studies are needed to understand how the integration influence family policy and social policy in larger contexts.



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