Fiber Morphology and Physical Characteristics of Gigantochloa atter at Three Different Ages and Heights of Culms for Better Utilization

  • Received : 2014.11.24
  • Accepted : 2014.12.16
  • Published : 2015.03.25


Fiber morphology and basic characteristics of Legi bamboos (Gigantochloa atter) growing on Yogyakarta were studied considering their age and height positions in the culms. Culms of 4, 16, and 40 months were harvested, and their total lengths were measured. The length, diameter, and wall thickness of each internode were measured. All the sample culms were divided into three different parts along the height, and their fiber dimension and physical properties were observed. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance. The results showed that the culms had a diameter of 5.8 to 10.8 cm. The lowest internodes always showed the shortest length and the thickest wall. The culms had an average fiber length of 2.41 mm and Runkel ratio of 0.61. Fiber length was affected by the height, while fiber diameter, lumen diameter, and fiber wall thickness were affected significantly by the age of the culms. The culms had high green moisture content (GMC) of 157.89%, and basic density (BD) of $456.67kg.m^{-3}$, a total longitudinal shrinkage of 0.35%, and relatively low R/T shrinkage ratio. The interactions between age and height were affected GMC and BD.



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