MicroRNA-328 Inhibits Proliferation of Human Melanoma Cells by Targeting TGFB2

  • Li, Jing-Rong (Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou First People's Hospital) ;
  • Wang, Jian-Qin (Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou First People's Hospital) ;
  • Gong, Qing (Department of Biochemistry, Guangzhou Medical University) ;
  • Fang, Rui-Hua (Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou First People's Hospital) ;
  • Guo, Yun-Long (Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou First People's Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2015.03.09


Some microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to act as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes in human melanomas. miR-328 is upregulated in blood cells of melanoma patients compared to in healthy controls. This suggests a role for miR-328 in melanoma that warrants investigation. In this study, we demonstrated miR-328 levels to be dramatically decreased in human melanoma cell lines. Moreover, forced expression of miR-328 inhibited proliferation and induced G1-phase arrest of the SK-MEL-1 melanoma cell line. We identified TGFB2 as a direct target gene for miR-328 using a fluorescent reporter assay and western blotting. Levels of TGFB2 were dramatically increased in human melanoma cell lines and were inversely correlated with the miR-328 expression level. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of human melanoma development, indicating that miR-328 has therapeutic potential for this disease.



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