Ten New Species of the Genus Falcileptoneta (Araneae, Leptonetidae) from Korea

  • 투고 : 2015.09.01
  • 심사 : 2015.09.15
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


Ten new species of the genus Falcileptoneta are described; Falcileptoneta bifurca n. sp., F. boeunensis n. sp., F. chiakensis n. sp., F. cornuta n. sp., F. digitalis n. sp., F. hansanensis n. sp., F. juwangensis n. sp., F. moakensis n. sp., F. naejangenesis n. sp., and F. unmunensis n. sp. And six species previously known as Leptoneta spiders are transferred to Falcileptoneta as fo11ows; Falcileptoneta coreana (Paik and Namkung, 1969), F. hwanseonensis (Namkung, 1987), F. secula (Namkung, 1987), F. simboggulensis (Paik, 1971), F. yebongsanensis (Kim, Lee and Namkung, 2004), and F. yongdamgulensis (Paik and Namkung, 1969), all n. comb.



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