Surface wave excited plasma CVD technologies for the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials

카본 나노재료 합성을 위한 표면파 플라즈마 CVD 기술

  • Kim, Jaeho (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
  • Published : 2015.12.30


Carbon nanomaterials including nanocrystalline diamond and graphene films are expected to play a core role in $21^{st}$ century industries due to their amazing physicochemical properties. To achieve their practical utilization and industrialization, the development of their mass production technologies is strongly required. Recently, a surface wave excited plasma (SWP) which is produced using microwaves has been attracting special attentions as a candidate for the mass production technology of carbon nanomaterials. SWP can allow a low-temperature large-area plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system. Here, this article introduces the promising SWP-CVD technology. Plasma characteristics in a SWP will be introduced in detail to help understanding how to use and control a SWP as a plasma source for CVD applications.



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