Improved Disparity Map Computation on Stereoscopic Streaming Video with Multi-core Parallel Implementation

  • Kim, Cheong Ghil (Dept. Of Computer Science, Namseoul University) ;
  • Choi, Yong Soo (Division of Liberal Arts and Teaching(Multimedia), Sungkyul University)
  • 투고 : 2014.05.10
  • 심사 : 2015.01.13
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


Stereo vision has become an important technical issue in the field of 3D imaging, machine vision, robotics, image analysis, and so on. The depth map extraction from stereo video is a key technology of stereoscopic 3D video requiring stereo correspondence algorithms. This is the matching process of the similarity measure for each disparity value, followed by an aggregation and optimization step. Since it requires a lot of computational power, there are significant speed-performance advantages when exploiting parallel processing available on processors. In this situation, multi-core CPU may allow many parallel programming technologies to be realized in users computing devices. This paper proposes parallel implementations for calculating disparity map using a shared memory programming and exploiting the streaming SIMD extension technology. By doing so, we can take advantage both of the hardware and software features of multi-core processor. For the performance evaluation, we implemented a parallel SAD algorithm with OpenMP and SSE2. Their processing speeds are compared with non parallel version on stereoscopic streaming video. The experimental results show that both technologies have a significant effect on the performance and achieve great improvements on processing speed.


1. Introduction

Recent developments on 3D technologies have made 3DTV and mobile 3DTV the most spotlighted technology in the area of audio-video entertainment and multimedia. This development enables auto-stereoscopy or glasses-free 3D viewing on smartphone without the use of special headgear or glasses on the part of the viewer [1]. The principle of 3D video is based on stereo vision with two cameras to obtain two different views on the same scene, and the relative depth information is obtained by comparing two images, known as disparities; therefore, depth maps which contains information relating to the distance of the surfaces of scene objects from a viewpoint may provide an essential description of the world seen through cameras. This technology has been studied extensively due to its usefulness in many applications like 3D scene reconstruction, robot navigation, civil engineering, manufacturing, and so on.

In order to construct a stereo vision system, two cameras located at two different positions is usually used, which is known as binocular stereopsis based on epipolar constraint. Here, for a pixel in the left image the corresponding point in the right image lies on the same horizontal line, the epipolar line. As a result, the geometry associated with solving this problem is simplified by assuming that the two cameras are coplanar with aligned image coordinate systems.

Fig. 1 shows the basic structure of the stereo image formation and the stereo camera geometry [2]. The center of the lens is called the camera focal center and the axis extending from the focal center is referred to as the focal axis. The line connecting the focal centers is called the baseline, b. The plane passing through an object point and the focal centers is the epipolar plane. The intersection of two image planes with an epipolar plane makes the epipolar line. Let (X, Y, Z) denote the real world coordinates of a point. The point is projected onto two corresponding points, (xl, yl) and (xr, yr), in the left and right image, respectively. The disparity is defined as the difference vector between two points in the stereo images, v = (xl - xr; yl - yr). According to the stereo camera geometry shown in Fig. 1, the disparity is defined with the difference between two focal centers denoted as C1 and C2 in Fig. 2 and calculated as below:

Fig. 1.Stereo camera geometry

Fig. 2.Disparity calculation

The depth d therefore is calculated by triangulation as below:

where b is the distance of the two optical centers and f is the focal length. A disparity of zero indicates that the depth of the appropriate point equals infinity. In order to assure the stereo epipolar geometry, the rectification of both images is necessary; therefore, both cameras require calibration first to acquire camera parameters for the rectification.

In general, the most difficult area in stereo vision is matching points or features between the left and right image. This is called as stereo matching or stereo correspondence problem [3], which has been an intensive research area for decades [4,5,6]. In order to solve this problem, many algorithms have been introduced and most of previous studies to solve and improve the performance of stereo matching can be grouped into three categories according to matching primitives: area-based [7], feature-based [8], and phased-based approaches [9]. The most common ones are absolute intensity differences (AD), the squared intensity differences (SD) and the normalized cross correlation (NCC) [10]. Evaluation of various matching costs can be found in [11,12]. In recent years, this challenge has been extended to Multi-view Video Coding (MVC) which comprises rich 3D information and requires more computational powers [13-15].

Stereo matching inherently requires considerably high computational expenses, especially when extracting dense disparity map which can produce accurate segmentation for more reliable applications. This problem becomes more serious with large high resolution images, and it is still far away from achieving real time requirements in systems with either general purpose CPU or DSP. As a result, there have been several researches on implementing a specialized processing hardware to achieve the required computational complexity using FPGA [16-18].

In the meantime, recent advances of CPU performance on speed and architecture can be expected to bring an alternative way of improving the calculation of disparity map. In the market, multi-core processor architecture has emerged as a dominant trend in desk-top PCs while preserving the CPU clock speed between 3 GHz and 4 GHz [19-21]. This performance enhancement allows a single chip to increase its processing capability without requiring a complex system. Especially, the increase in processor core brings new opportunities in parallel computing. Therefore, a performance improvement on computing depth map could be achieved by taking advantage of parallelism in software rather than implementing dedicated hardware.

This paper presents a fast dense stereo-correspondence algorithm using two paralle programming techniques on multi-core CPU. The Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) algorithm is used to reconstruct disparity map requiring heavy computations but simple and identical calculation with heavy memory accesses. The proposed method mainly aims at improving the execution time using OpenMP (Open Multi-processing) [22], an open specification API (Application Programming Interface) and SSE (Streaming SIMD Execution) [23]. They can provide an easy low-burdensome method for threading applications based on shared memory architecture and a SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) parallel execution with sub-word parallel instruction set, respectively. And the performance evaluation was made by comparing its processing time with the serial implementation.

The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces the background of SAD algorithm and parallel technologies of OpenMP and SSE. Section 3 discusses the design of parallel SAD using OpenMP and SSE. Section 4 covers the results of simulation about the implementations of parallel SADs with comparison with its serial implementation. In section 5, we conclude our results.


2. Background

2.1 SAD algorithm

The SAD is the most commonly used algorithm for measuring a similarity between image blocks. Here, a search iteration is performed for each candidate block by taking absolute difference between each pixel in the original block and the corresponding pixel in a block being used for comparison. These differences are summed to create a simple metric of block similarity. It computes intensity differences for each center pixel (i, j) in a window W(x, y) as follows:

where IL and IR are pixel intensity functions of a left and right image, respectively. W(x, y) is square window that surrounds the position (x, y) of the pixel. A disparity SAD (x, y, d) calculation is repeated within the x-coordinate frame in the image row, defined by zero and maximum possible disparity dmax of the searched scene. A minimum difference value over the frame indicates the best matching pixel. And a position of the minimum defines the disparity of an actual pixel. On each search iteration, a SAD corresponding of a candidate block is computed using all its pixels simultaneously. The value obtained is compared with the reference SAD which is the minimum SAD computed before this iteration. If a current SAD is less than the reference SAD, it is stored as the reference SAD for the remaining search iterations. This process can be summarized as three steps: 1) computation of differences between corresponding elements; 2) determine the absolute value of each differences; 3) add all absolute values.

Usually, the matching costs are aggregated over support regions. Those support regions, often referred to as support or aggregating windows, could be square or rectangular, fix-sized or adaptive ones. In this work, we have implemented with different window sizes of 4, 8, and 16 for performance evaluations.

2.2 OpenMP

OpenMP is an open specification API supporting multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming. In recent years, OpenMP has extended its use in accelerators, embedded systems, multi-core and real-time systems although it solely focused on shared memory systems in the early days. As for OpenMP programming model, parallelization have been implemented by high-level abstractions which allow parallelized C/C++ programs for parallel processors with a shared memory by adding specific OpenMP directives into C-program codes. These directives support the distribution of autonomous subtasks (threads) over the available processor cores [24]. As a result, all threads can access global and shared memories and programmers can control the number of threads. Optimal performance occurs when the number of threads represents the number of processors.

Fig. 3 depicts the operational block diagram of OpenMP in which how a process can be divided into several threads. Here, a master thread exists to assign tasks to threads, i.e., fork-join. Fork-join time increases when there are more threads than processors. Moreover, data can be labeled with private or shared. In particular, private data are visible to one thread while all threads can spot shared data. In practical programs, local variables which are about to be parallelized should be private. Additionally, global variables must be assigned as shared data. OpenMP requires a compiler and most IDEs today accommodate it. Numerous benefits exist to using OpenMP, e.g., preservation of serial code, simplicity, flexibility and portability. Nevertheless, explicit synchronization remains as an issue that to be addressed [25].

Fig. 3.Operational block diagram of OpenMP

2.3 Stream SIMD Extension

Another parallelization technique, called SSE technology, is vectorization by converting a scalar code to a code using SSE instructions, in which a single instruction will process several elements at the same time.

The increasing popularity of high quality digital contents processing for many areas of multimedia applications such as digital image processing, video processing, 3D graphics, and so on, leads the ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) of general purpose processors to have quipped with dedicated instructions based on sub-word parallelisms [25]. They demand high performance computing power for data intensive processing and have a great potential for SIMD parallel processing. Current microprocessors for desktop and mobile computing devices have the capability of hardware supporting for vector operations with SIMD type instructions.

This vectorization started form MMX (MultiMedia eXtension), the first IA-32 SIMD instructions on Intel CPU. It performed arithmetic or logical operations on the packed data in parallel. Later this was extended to SSE using eight new 128-bit registers and SSE2 technology introduced new SIMD double-precision floating-point instructions and new SIMD integer instructions into the IA-32 Intel architecture. More specifically, SSE2 has the memory streaming instruction extensions, which allows programmers to prefetch data into a specified level of the cache hierarchy. Most multimedia applications present the streaming data access pattern. This means that data are accessed sequentially and seldom reused. Therefore, prefetching this type of data into the L2 cache is an effective way to improve the memory system performance [26].

SSE2 contains integers, 2, 4, 8, or 16 variables with a width of 8, 4, 2 or 1 byte. Therefore it is possible to perform the same operation on several variables in parallel. Fig. 4 shows various packed data types in XMM registers. The introduction of sub-word parallelism to an existing ISA requires new instructions with packed types arithmetic and logic operations and data/sub-word packing and rearrangement operations. SSE instructions are divided into the following four functional groups: packed and scalar single-precision floating-point instructions, 64-bit SIMD integer instructions, state management instructions, and cacheability control, prefetch, and memory ordering instructions

Fig. 4.Packed data types


3. Parallel implementation

This section introduces efficient parallel implementations of SAD algorithm, demanding high performance computing power, in multi-core CPUs. SAD is a representative computation intensive algorithm accompanied by heavy memory access with relatively low computational complexity. This operational model is well suited for exploiting the streaming SIMD extension technology and OpenMP based on thread. By doing so, we can take advantage of all the hardware features of multi-core processor concurrently for data- and task-level parallelism.

3.1 OpenMP

Disparity map calculation is a pixel-by-pixel basis to find corresponding pixels for a left and right image pair. Generally, this computing procedure can be characterized as having no dependency between processes. It means that these kinds of application are inherently suitable for making use of parallel processing. The basic processing concept of SAD is accumulating absolute differences of a left and right image pixels within a given window. Using the Equation (1), the least SAD is determined to be the disparity.

By using OpenMP, SAD program is initially executed by one process; and then it activates light-weight processes (threads) at the entry of a parallel region. After that each thread executes a task comprised of a group of instructions. OpenMP program is an alternation of sequential regions and parallel regions. A sequential region is always executed by the MASTERthread, the one whose rank equals 0. A parallel region can be executed by many threads at once.Threads can share the work contained in the parallel region.

Fig. 5 shows the general concept of three possible parallel implementation methods: 1) executing a loop by dividing up iterations between the threads; 2) executing many code sections but only one per thread; 3) executing many occurrences of the same procedure by different threads. During the execution of a task, a thread available can be read and/or updated in memory. When it is defined either in the stack (local memory space) of a thread, it becomes a private variable; when in a shared-memory space accessible by all the threads, it is a shared variable [23]. This work takes advantage of loop-level parallelism for fast SAD and the pragma omp parallel for num_threads() is used to fork threads and specify the number of threads. Four threads are used for this four core system.

Fig. 5.Different parallel implementation methods

3.2 Stream SIMD Extension

Current microprocessors for desktop and mobile computing devices have the capability of hardware supporting for vector operations with SIMD type instructions as a representative enhancements to traditional superscalar processors. The advantage is to exploit sub-word parallelism in SIMD style by making small data elements packed together into one register and operating on all data elements in a register in parallel.

The source code block depicted in Fig. 6 shows a SAD function based on 4 x 4 block with current and reference data passed as parameters. Data is stored in XMM registers and differences are calculated with a SIMD instruction of PSUBUSB and negative values are clipped at zero. This subtraction is executed once more with swapping operands. PSUBUSB performs a SIMD subtract of packed unsigned integers of a source operand from the packed unsigned integers of the destination operand with unsigned saturation, and stores the packed unsigned integer results in the destination operand. The final absolute difference can be obtained by adding the two results of subtraction by using a SIMD add instruction of PADDB.

Fig. 6.SSE impelentation of SAD on 4 x 4 block


4. Experimental Classification Results and Analysis

For the simulation, we estimate the computation speed of SAD algorithm on the sample stereo video stream, SampleVideo.avi, with different block sizes of which window sizes are4 × 4, 8 × 8, and 16 × 16. They are denoted as 4, 8, and 16, respectively. The details of SampleVideo are summarized in Table 1. Three versions of the SAD algorithm have been implemented with C++ in this paper. They are serial, OpenMP, and SSE execution version and denoted as normal, OpenMP, and SSE, respectively. The normal version is an ordinary sequential execution version without writing any parallel code. OpenMP and SSE signify the implementation exploiting task- and data-level parallelism, respectively. In order to evaluate the speedup of parallel SAD implementations over its serial one, the processing time was measured. Here, speedup is defined as the ratio of performance with the enhancement to performance without the enhancement. Table 2 describes the experimental hardware environment using Laptop with Intel Core I7 CPU. In this work, we just estimate the processing time of SAD algorithm and to obtain the execution time in terms of CPU clock cycles, we use RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) instruction to measure the execution time of the three different code blocks.

Table 1.Simulation video

Table 2.Simulation hardware

Execution times are obtained by executing each implementation 10 times inside a loop, and then the summed averaged execution time was selected with milliseconds measure unit. Fig. 7 shows the simulation UI for selecting simulation parameters and monitoring the running process.

Fig. 7.UI for simulation

Table 3 shows the simulation results and Fig. 8 depicts the average performance improvement over the processing time of normal, the serial implementation version. The performance improvements are normalized to the normal execution time.

Table 3.Simulation results

Fig. 8.Performance Improvement on three versions

SSE shows significant performance improvement as the growing of window sizes shown in Fig. 9. This result signifies that the computation of SAD algorithm is a typical data intensive computing which use a data parallel approach to processing large volumes of data with heavy memory accesses; but relatively low computational complexity. As for OpenMP, it is necessary to select the number of thread by users. We used 4 threads. The increase of number of threads over 4 resulted in the degradation of the overall performance. This was because the increased threads caused the overhead of thread distribution of master thread.

Fig. 9.The ratio of execution time on OpenMP and SSE


5. Conclusion

This paper introduced parallel SAD implementations for the fast depth map computation on multi-core CPU. For this purpose, we used a parallel algorithm for calculating disparity map using OpenMP, a shared memory programming which can provide the advantage to simplify managing and synchronization of program threads. Also, this paper introduced the effectiveness of exploiting the streaming SIMD extension instructions. As a result, we were able to take advantage of all the hardware and software features of current multi-core processors. The performance evaluation was carried out on stereoscopic streaming video rather than a stereoscopic image pair and the processing times of each implementation were measured. The experimental results show that both technologies of OpenMP and SSE have a significant effect on the performance and achieve great improvements on processing speed. Especially, the SSE implementation could achieve more performance improvements than the OpenMP implementation.


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