일시적 혈류 제한과 함께 수행한 저강도 운동 후 알파운동신경원의 변화

Changes of α-Motor Neuron Excitability after Low-Intensity Exercise with Transient Restriction of Blood Flow

  • 김종순 (부산가톨릭대학교 보건과학대학 물리치료학과)
  • Kim, Jong-Soon (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences, Catholic University of Pusan)
  • 투고 : 2015.01.05
  • 심사 : 2015.01.15
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


PURPOSE: Low-intensity exercise with transient restriction of blood flow to muscle could be an alternative rehabilitation method which avoids the problems associated with conventional high-intensity exercise. However, the mechanism of low-intensity exercise with transient restriction of blood flow is not clearly known. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism of improvement of muscular function after low-intensity exercise with transient restriction of blood flow using H-reflex analysis. METHODS: Twenty one healthy young adults with no medical history of neurological or musculoskeletal disorder voluntarily participated in this study. The ${\alpha}$-motor neuron excitability of the triceps surae was assessed using the H-reflex. The amplitude of the M-wave and H-reflex were measured across three conditions: rest, after low-intensity exercise without restriction of blood flow and after low-intensity exercise with restriction of blood flow. The subjects performed low-intensity ankle plantar flexion exercise at their own pace for one minute without or with transient restriction of blood flow achieved by a sphygmomanometer cuff on popliteal fossa at a pressure of 120mm of mercury(120 mmHg). RESULTS: No significant changes of the excitability of the ${\alpha}$-motor neuron were obtained across three different conditions. CONCLUSION: This study found that low-intensity exercise with transient restriction of blood flow did not influence to ${\alpha}$-motor neuron excitability of the triceps surae. From the results, I could come to the conclusion that further study will be required.



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