Michel Foucault and historiography of architecture -History of architecture back in the general history of techne-

미셸 푸코와 건축 역사서술 -테크네의 일반사에 자리잡은 건축의 역사-

  • Received : 2014.10.15
  • Accepted : 2015.02.28
  • Published : 2015.02.28


This study aims to examine the brief statement about the historiography of architecture by the French philosopher Michel Foucault and the possibility of a historical description according to his method. His historiographic proposition, "the history of architecture back in (the) general history of techne," is a novel idea not only for his contemporaries but also for us. To grasp the meaning of Foucault's proposition, we begin by considering his position with regard to architecture or architectural space in certain discussions till then. We then compare his standpoint on historical recognition with other viewpoints about historical narratives that can be found in books written since 1930. Finally, we interpret the concept of "techne" in the sense of "relation," whose objectivation is for him his concern on architecture and examine possible aspects and their limits.



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