A study on evaluation element of technical proposal tendering for apartment remodeling business

  • 투고 : 2014.12.04
  • 심사 : 2014.12.26
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


Method of remodeling builder selection for remodeling is competitive bidding. also metropolitan city, megalopolis city, city more than 50million have to do basic plan for remodeling before establishment of a housing cooperative. Purpose of basic plan is improvement of living conditions & the Quality of Life for resident. Technical Proposal Tendering in spite of being the a reasonable bidding system, institutional part, appraisal standard and the item part, consider procedure pard is performed in a similar way to the existing bidding system. so, technical proposal tendering is appropriate for future Method of builder selection of remodeling. therefore, the study purpose is a evaluation element of technical proposal tendering for apartment remodeling business The methods of study is understanding concept through review of precedent literature. Next, case investigation through Analysis of focal points. Lastly, evaluation element deduction of technical proposal tendering for apartment remodeling business through specialist conversation. As a result, Alteration of a right & move management is added to evaluation element's professional field. And detail item is alteration of a right & move management.



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