Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a demyelinating and inflammatory condition of the central nervous system, occurring predominantly in white matter. ADEM involving the rhombencephalon without affecting the white matter is very rare. Here, we present an unusual case of ADEM involving only the rhombencephalon in a 4-year-old Asian girl. The patient complained of pain in the right lower extremities, general weakness, ataxia, and dysarthria. The initial brain CT showed subtle ill-defined low-density lesions in the pons and medulla. On brain MRI, T2 high signal intensity (T2-HSI) lesions with mild swelling were present in the pons, both middle cerebellar peduncles, and the anterior medulla. The initial diagnosis was viral encephalitis involving the rhombencephalon. Curiously, a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) study revealed no cellularity, and negative viral marker findings. Three weeks later, follow up brain MRI showed that the extent of the T2-HSI lesions in the brain stem had decreased. After reinvestigation, it was found that she had a prior history of upper respiratory infection. In this case, we report the very rare case of a patient showing isolated involvement of the rhombencephalon in ADEM, mimicking viral rhombencephalitis on CT and MR imaging. ADEM can involve unusual sites such as the rhombencephalon in isolation, without involvement of the white matter or deep gray matter and, therefore, should be considered even when it appears in unusual anatomical areas. Thorough history taking is important for making a correct diagnosis.