The Relationship between User's Emotions and the overall Satisfaction of the Product

  • Received : 2015.10.01
  • Accepted : 2015.10.27
  • Published : 2015.12.31


Due to recent interest in user experience and its significance, much research surrounding this theme is now being conducted. If user experience is defined as the emotions and satisfaction the user feels while using the product, how much of such experience will contribute to the overall satisfaction of using the product? In this research, user experience during usage of a product and the satisfaction acquired by it were investigated. The same experiment was conducted in South Korea and the United States of America in order to get more generalized experimental results. Amongst the six representative user emotions expressed while using a product, 'Satisfaction in Usability', 'Discomfort or Displeasure', and 'Excellence' correlated the most. The above three factors were found to be of the most influence concerning satisfaction of the product. The significance of this finding is that aside from focusing on the attractiveness of the product's exteriors and design, one should be concerned on the ease of usage and effectiveness as well as usability of the product, all of which contribute to how efficiently a consumer will utilize the product.



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