Multi-objective Optimization System for Time-Cost-Environment-Quality Trade-off in Construction Project

건설 프로젝트 다차원 성과지표 최적화 시스템

  • 이동은 (경북대학교 건축.토목공학부) ;
  • 이창용 (경북대학교 건축.토목공학부 대학원) ;
  • 곽한성 (경북대학교 건축.토목공학부 대학원)
  • Received : 2014.11.03
  • Accepted : 2014.12.06
  • Published : 2015.01.30


Time, cost, environment, and quality are the most important performance indicators of construction project. These performance indicators have tradeoff relationships. Therefore, an alternative selected by considering one dimension individually may not satisfy the management goal of multiple performance indicators. To take account of multiple management goals simultaneously, multi-dimensional analysis is essential. This paper presents a system which finds optimal construction method alternatives by computing the performance of construction project with multiple objectives. The system allows creating construction project network and comparing numerous scenarios using alternative construction methods. Second, it implements sensitivity analysis that facilitates to find the exact solution by enumerating all cases exhaustively. In addition, it provides GA analysis to find near-optimal solution given the number of cases exist. Project managers may have tool to make more informed decision by considering multiple performance indicators all at once.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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