노인복지주택의 종합적 공간 기능별 선호시설 분석

An Analysis of Preferred Facility by Comprehensive Space Functions of Elderly Welfare Housing

  • 투고 : 2014.09.25
  • 심사 : 2015.01.06
  • 발행 : 2015.01.30


Experiencing high-speed aging and low birthrates in the modern society, Korea is undergoing a big change and paradigm in various areas. In addition, the development of medical skills, economic growth, and the increase in interest about health shows continuous upward trend in average life expectancy. Hence, the values of elders are slowly changing in this kind of social background. Recently, the weakening of family support system and the change of values increase the interest about paid elderly welfare facilities where elders can fulfill a new life in a stable place. The resident support of the elderly welfare required the social support system, but it is uncontrollable due to the limited finances by the government. Thus, elders with economic capacity started to find interest about the residential space that can fulfill their lives, and it has become essential for development of new residential products in this kind of background. Many of the elderly welfare housing are developed privately. As 2013 standard, there were currently 23 facilities with the fixed number of people as 4,128. The government follows various laws and policies to activate elderly welfare housing while private companies are participating in provision, but it is not being activated due to the inadequate institutional support and lack of economic feasibility. Also, study on the preferences is being executed actively on elderly welfare housing, but it is judged that there is no study on the integrated preference about the construction planning and other facilities. Thus, this research investigates all facilities affiliated to elderly welfare housing. Furthermore, the important elements thought for entering elderly welfare housing were investigated on the elders, and measures and basic data were provided to activate elderly welfare housing in the future. First, it was identified that the preference for additional facilities were higher than the housing facility. This is judged to correspond with the change of recent housing paradigm that sets the quality of life before desire about simply housing. Secondly, it was identified that the preference for outside activity was high. In the case of city type housing, which actually takes up most of the proportion from elderly welfare housing, because of the difficulty of securing land due to the high prices, reality is that measures to business profit, or maximization of business, comes before the importance of external space. However, like the results of this research, if elders show strong desire for outside activity, then it is judged that considering various external facilities and appropriate outside space is essential. Third, it was identified that the importance of medical support facility and amenities was low. In the case of medical support facilities, simple rehabilitation service was appropriate for medical service standard.



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