라디오존데 관측자료를 이용한 UHF 윈드프로파일러 바람관측자료의 품질평가

Quality Evaluation of Wind Vectors from UHF Wind Profiler using Radiosonde Measurements

  • 김광호 (부경대학교 환경대기과학과) ;
  • 김민성 (부경대학교 환경대기과학과) ;
  • 서성운 (부경대학교 환경대기과학과) ;
  • 김박사 (부경대학교 지구과학연구소) ;
  • 강동환 (부경대학교 지구과학연구소) ;
  • 권병혁 (부경대학교 환경대기과학과)
  • Kim, Kwang-Ho (Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Min-Seong (Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Seo, Seong-Woon (Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Park-Sa (Geo-Sciences Institute, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kang, Dong-Hwan (Geo-Sciences Institute, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kwon, Byung Hyuk (Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2014.12.02
  • 심사 : 2015.01.07
  • 발행 : 2015.01.30


Wind profiler provides vertical profiles of three-dimensional wind vectors with high spatiotemporal resolution. The wind vectors is useful to analyze severe weather phenomena and to validate the various products from numerical weather prediction model. However, the wind measurements are not immune to ground clutter, bird, insect, and aircraft. Therefore, quality of wind vectors from wind profiler must be quantitatively evaluated prior to its application. In this study, wind vectors from UHF wind profiler at Ganwon Regional Meteorological Administration was quantitatively evaluated using 27 radiosonde measurements that were launched every two or three hours according to rainfall intensity during Intensive Observation Period (IOP) from June to July 2013. In comparison between two measurements, wind vectors from wind profiler was relatively underestimated. In addition, the accuracy and quality of wind vectors from wind profiler decrease with increasing beam height. The accuracy and quality of the wind vectors for rainy periods during IOP were higher than for the clear-air measurements. The moderate rainfall intensity lead to multi-peaks in Doppler spectrum. It results in overestimation of vertical air motion, whereas wind vectors from wind profilers shows good agreement with those from radiosonde measurements for light rainfall intensity.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Local Wind Field Simulation over Coastal Areas Using Windprofiler Data vol.22, pp.2, 2016,