Effect of the Earth Pressure Coefficient on the Support System in Jointed Rock Mass

  • Received : 2014.10.31
  • Accepted : 2015.01.09
  • Published : 2015.02.01


This paper investigated the magnitude and distribution of earth pressure on the support system in jointed rock mass by considering different earth pressure coefficients, rock types and joint inclination angles. The study mainly focused on the effect of the earth pressure coefficients on the earth pressure. Based on a physical model test (Son & Park, 2014), extended studies were conducted considering rock-structure interactions based on the discrete element method, which can consider the joints characteristics of rock mass. The results showed that the earth pressure was highly influenced by the earth pressure coefficients as well as the rock type and joint inclination angles. The effects of the earth pressure coefficients increased when the rock suffered more weathering and has no joint slide. The test results were also compared with Peck's earth pressure for soil ground, and clearly showed that the earth pressure in jointed rock mass can be greatly different from that in soil ground. This study indicated the earth pressure coefficients considering the rock types and joint inclination angles are important parameters influencing the magnitude and distribution of earth pressure, which should be considered when designing the support systems in jointed rock mass.



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