The Word-of-Mouth Effects from Purchasers and Non-purchasers

구매자와 비구매자의 구전효과

  • Lee, Yeong-Ran (School of Business Administration, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Park, Sang-June (School of Business Administration, Chonbuk National University)
  • Received : 2015.07.18
  • Accepted : 2015.12.09
  • Published : 2015.12.31


Word-of-Mouth (WOM), which is the unpaid spread of a positive marketing message from person to person, has been shown to be even more effective in influencing purchase decisions than traditional advertising channels. The effects of WOM might be different by types of persuaders (purchasers vs. non-purchasers), however, the current body of research has not given attention to the differential effects of WOM. This study focuses on whether or not potential customers are influenced by the WOM from non-purchasers as well as from purchasers, and it investigates if the impacts of WOM from non-purchasers are different with those from purchasers. Based on conjoint analyses, it concludes that potential customers are affected by the communication with non-purchasers as well as with purchasers but the impacts of non-purchasers are not greater than those of purchasers.



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