서울지역 사육 소의 큐열 및 톡소포자충 항체 보유율 조사

Seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii and Toxoplasam gondii in cattle in Seoul, Korea

  • 김능희 (서울특별시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 김혜라 (서울특별시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 박형숙 (서울특별시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 김영섭 (서울특별시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 이주형 (서울특별시보건환경연구원)
  • Kim, Neung-Hee (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health & Environment) ;
  • Kim, Hye-Ra (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health & Environment) ;
  • Park, Hyung-Suk (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health & Environment) ;
  • Kim, Young-sub (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health & Environment) ;
  • Lee, Ju-Hyung (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health & Environment)
  • 투고 : 2015.11.11
  • 심사 : 2015.12.09
  • 발행 : 2015.12.30


Both Q-fever and Toxoplasmosis are zoonosis. Q-fever occurs due to intracellular bacteria, while Toxoplasmosis is created by protozoan. Both of them have a wide range of host including livestock and wild animals and occur sporadically all over in the world. In this study, seroprevalence of Q-fever and Toxoplasmosis was investigated on cows bred in the area of Seoul where there was a fairly high possibility to occur, while vaccine was not used in Korea. As for experiment materials, cattle blood collected from 190 cows from February to September in 2014 was used ELISA. According to the result, there was a positive reaction on Q-fever from 18 cows out of total 190 cows (9.5%) and on Toxoplasmosis from 32 cows (16.8%). Seroprevalence of both diseases per age was turned out to be negative for those aged less than 2. In addition, it was shown to be positive on 4 cows out of 87 (4.6%) cows aged from 3 to 5, on 7 cows out of 30 cows (23.3%) aged from 6 to 7. Finally, it was shown to be positive on 7 cows out of 17 cows (41.2%) aged 8 or above. Toxoplasmosis was turned out to be positive on 1 cow out of 56 cows (1.8%) aged less than 2, on 6 cows out of 87 cows (6.9%) aged from 3 to 5, on 17 cows out of 30 cows (56.7%) aged from 6 to 7. In addition, it was turned out to be 8 cows out of 17 cows (47.1%) aged 8 or above. Seroprevalence of both diseases was turned out to be higher as age increased. Therefore, it seems that a wide range of investigation on the entire disease spreaders as well as livestock is required since infection of Q-fever and Toxoplasmosis, types of zoonosis, has continuously occurred, and the number of insects, wild animals, and stray animals serving as a role of spreading diseases by changes in seasons and environments has been gradually increasing in Korea.



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