간호사의 직무스트레스와 DiSC 행동유형 및 조직사회자본이 직무만족에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Job Stress, DiSC Behavioral Type and Organizational Social Capital on Job Satisfaction among Some Nurses

  • 투고 : 2015.09.02
  • 심사 : 2015.10.03
  • 발행 : 2015.12.30


Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the independent role of sub-dimensions of job stress, DiSC(R) type of personal behavior, and organizational social capital on job satisfaction and to identify the structural relation among them. Method: Study subjects were 317 registrated nurses employed in 4 general hospitals in a metropolitan city. Results: As the results of multiple regression analysis, the factors influenced independently on overall job satisfaction were as follows; job stress were significantly decreased job satisfaction. Regarding DiSC, job satisfaction of influence type was significantly higher than that of conscientiousness type. Of sub-dimension of OCS, the higher common value and reciprocity were, the high over all job satisfaction, but in a sub-dimension(trust), the relationship was reversed. Major findings of structural equation model analysis were as follows. Regarding DiSC, there were founded only direct effect on job satisfaction(D, i, S>C in relations with peer and others, job performance, retrospectively). Regarding common value of OCS, there were founded significant positive direct effect and indirect effect via job stress on all sub-dimensions of job satisfaction. Regarding trust of OCS, there were founded negative direct effect alone on 2 sub-dimensions of job satisfaction(work itself, job performance). Regarding trust of OCS, there were founded positive direct and indirect effect on satisfaction towards work itself, and indirect effect alone on 2 sub-dimensions(relations with peer and others, job performance). Conclusion: Summing up above finding, to manage job satisfaction of nurses, it is suggested for nursing staffs to provide behavioral training programs according to type of DiSC(R) and to introduce strategic programs fostering organizational social capital such as common vision and reciprocity.



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