Big Data, Business Analytics, and IoT: The Opportunities and Challenges for Business

빅데이터, 비즈니스 애널리틱스, IoT: 경영의 새로운 도전과 기회

  • Received : 2015.12.20
  • Accepted : 2015.12.29
  • Published : 2015.12.30


With the advancement of the Internet/IT technologies and the increased computation power, massive data can be collected, stored, and processed these days. The availability of large databases has brought forth a new era in which companies are hard pressed to find innovative ways to utilize immense amounts of data at their disposal. Indeed, data has opened a new age of business operations and management. There are already many cases of innovative businesses reaping success thanks to scientific decisions based on data analysis and mathematical algorithms. Big Data is a new paradigm in itself. In this article, Big Data is viewed as a new perspective rather than a new technology. This value centric definition of Big Data provides a new insight and opportunities. Moreover, the Business Analytics, which is the framework of creating tangible results in management, is introduced. Then the Internet of Things (IoT), another innovative concept of data collection and networking, is presented and how this new concept can be interpreted with Big Data in terms of the value centric perspective. The challenges and opportunities with these new concepts are also discussed.



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