신생아 집중 치료실 퇴원 후 미숙아 영아 어머니의 모성 역할 발달

Maternal Role Development in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Graduate Mothers of Premature Infant

  • 투고 : 2015.10.12
  • 심사 : 2015.12.10
  • 발행 : 2015.12.20


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the predictive factors for maternal role development for mothers of premature infants. Methods: A descriptive correlational study was conducted. A total sample of 121 mothers of premature infants following discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit were recruited using two strategies; an internet-based survey and an in-person data collection in a tertiary university hospital in Korea. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data regarding personal, birth variables, marital intimacy, maternal attachment, maternal identity and maternal role development. Results: A hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that parity, maternal attachment, marital intimacy and maternal identity were predictors for maternal role development for mothers of premature infants, accounting for 70% of the variance. Among these variables, maternal attachment is the most powerful predictor for maternal role development. Conclusion: Nursing interventions during hospitalization to post-discharge education that includes parents of premature babies with positive interaction between couples strengthening marital intimacy and promotes maternal attachment that leads to integrate maternal identity should be considered by priority. Community-based family services such as home visits should be focused on maximizing the predictive factors for maternal role development in transition to motherhood that can contribute to maternal health as well as optimal growth and development of premature infants.



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