어깨 손상에 따른 골프 드라이버 스윙의 근활성도 분석

Muscle Activity Analysis According to Shoulder Injury of Golf Drive Swing

  • 박종율 (연세대학교 교육과학대학 체육학과)
  • Park, Jong-Yul (Physical Education, College of Science in Education, Yonsei University)
  • 투고 : 2015.07.31
  • 심사 : 2015.09.30
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


Objective : The purpose of this study was to describe the correlation between the activity of the muscles of upper and lower limbs of a golf driver swing according to shoulder injury. Method : The subjects were 18 professional golfers (7 male in KPGA and 11 female in KLPGA). Using surface electromyography, we evaluated muscle activities during the golf drive swing. Surface electrodes were used to record the level of muscle activity in the left Deltoid(MD), Triceps Brachii(TB), Pectoralis(PM), Trapezius(UT), Rectus Femoris(RF), Vastus Medialis Obilique(VMO), Biceps Femoris(BF), Gastrocnemius(GCM) muscles during the golfer's swing. The golf swing was divided into five phases: take away, forward swing, acceleration, early follow through, late follow through. Results : The results can be summarized as follows: MD, VMO had statistically significant difference in take away phases, GCM had statistically significant difference in acceleration phases, MD, PM, VMO had statistically significant difference in early follow through phases, PM had statistically significant difference in late follow through phases, Conclusion : Muscle activity of the 8 muscles(Deltoid, Triceps Brachii, Pectoralis, Trapezius, Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis Obilique, Biceps Femoris, Gastrocnemius) along the shoulder damage or absence of has shown that they are organically connected to each of the phases.



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