Purpose : In this paper we proposed cascade feature filter and projection method for rapid human face recognition for the large-scale high-dimensional face database. Materials and Methods : The relevant features are selected from the large feature set using Fast Correlation-Based Filter method. After feature selection, project them into discriminant using Principal Component Analysis or Linear Discriminant Analysis. Their cascade method reduces the time-complexity without significant degradation of the performance. Results : In our experiments, the ORL database and the extended Yale face database b were used for evaluation. On the ORL database, the processing time was approximately 30-times faster than typical approach with recognition rate 94.22% and on the extended Yale face database b, the processing time was approximately 300-times faster than typical approach with recognition rate 98.74 %. Conclusion : The recognition rate and time-complexity of the proposed method is suitable for real-time face recognition system on the large-scale high-dimensional face database.