An Analysis on the Students' Achievement in the 'Speed of Objects' Chapter based on the Integrated Science and Mathematics Classes for Elementary School Students

수학과 과학을 통합 지도한 초등학교 '물체의 속력' 수업에서 학생의 학습 성취 분석

  • Received : 2015.07.15
  • Accepted : 2015.10.21
  • Published : 2015.11.30


Mathematics and science are very closely related. Among the science areas, physic is strongly linked with mathematics. As the related mathematics skills were alloted later than the science contents in the national curriculum, students often suffer from science classes. Accordingly, an opinion have been claimed to teach the related mathematics skills prior to the science classes. However, it would be hard to arrange all science and mathematics contents in order. Instead of that, in this research, we taught students mathematics contents that are crucial for learning speed through science classes. We called that teaching strategy an integrated science and mathematics class. Then, we examined students' achievement in science as well as skills of mathematics to know the effectiveness of the strategy. We found that the average mathematics score of the whole class went up meaningfully. We also found that their science achievement was above than basic level. Moreover, the homeroom teacher of the students observed 3 aspects which showed the students were better than previous students. Finally, we divided the students into 4 groups by their science and mathematics achievement score and interviewed each group. As a result, we knew that interesting and confidence in science and mathematics quite exerted influence on their achievement.



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