Roles of Kermanshahi Oil, Animal Fat, Dietary and Non-Dietary Vitamin D and other Nutrients in Increased Risk of Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Case Control Study in Kermanshah, Iran

  • Salarabadi, Asadollah (Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Islamic Azad University, Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch (IAUPS)) ;
  • Bidgoli, Sepideh Arbabi (Department of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Islamic Azad University, Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch (IAUPS)) ;
  • Madani, Sayed Hamid (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences)
  • Published : 2015.12.03


Background: Kermanshahi oil is one the most favorable oils in Iran especially in Kermanshah province. We aimed to evaluate the role of usual intake of Kermanshahi oil and other kinds of dietary fats as well as different meats, vegetables and fruits, carbohydrates, cereals, grains, sweets, candy and lifestyle habits in risk of breast cancer. Materials and Methods: A case-control study with 47 consecutive, newly diagnosed premenopausal breast-cancer patients and 105 age and socioeconomic matched healthy women was conducted from 2013-2014 in Imam Reza hospital of Kermanshah using a standardized, validated questionnaire assessing various anthropometric, socio-demographic, lifestyle and dietary characteristics. Results: Kermanshahi oil intake was associated with a 2.1-fold (OR=2.123, 95% CI 1.332-3.38) (p=0.002) higher likelihood of having breast cancer, while daily intake of other solid animal fats also increased the likelihood by 2.8-fold (OR = 2.754, 95% CI 1.43-5.273) (p < 0.001), after various adjustments made. Lack of fish oil, white meat, vegetables, soy products, nuts and dairy products (especially during adolescence) in daily regimens and lack of sun exposure were significantly associated with premenopausal breast cancer risk in this region. Conclusions: This study suggested that animal fat increases the risk of premenopausal breast cancer but many other dietary and non-dietary factors including calcium and vitamin D deficiency are consistently associated with increased odds of breast cancer in this region.



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