Modeling of reinforced concrete structural members for engineering purposes

  • 투고 : 2014.12.23
  • 심사 : 2015.11.01
  • 발행 : 2015.11.25


When approached using nonlinear finite element (FE) techniques, structural analyses generate, for real RC structures, large complex numerical problems. Damage is a major part of concrete behavior, and the discretization technique is critical to limiting the size of the problem. Based on previous work, the ${\mu}$ damage model has been designed to activate the various damage effects correlated with monotonic and cyclic loading, including unilateral effects. Assumptions are formulated to simplify constitutive relationships while still allowing for a correct description of the main nonlinear effects. After presenting classical 2D finite element applications on structural elements, an enhanced simplified FE description including a damage description and based on the use of multi-fiber beam elements is provided. Improvements to this description are introduced both to prevent dependency on mesh size as damage evolves and to take into account specific phenomena (permanent strains and damping, steel-concrete debonding). Applications on RC structures subjected to cyclic loads are discussed, and results lead to justifying the various concepts and assumptions explained.



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