독일 지방도시 Cottbus 도시재생 사례 및 기법에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Urban Regeneration for the local City "Cottbus" in Germany

  • 박종기 (중국 칭타오 이공대학교 국제학부 건축학과, 광운대학교 건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.04.14
  • 심사 : 2014.10.28
  • 발행 : 2014.11.30


The purpose of this Study is find out the characteristics of urban regeneration for small and medium-sized cities by analyzing a case study "urban regeneration in Cottbus, Gemany". Cottbus is a small and medium-sized City with a population of 99,913, and was part of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The Ruenification of Germany in 1990 gave rise to various urban problems such as demographic decline, urban slums, and deterioration of infrastructures in Cottbus. In oder to react toward such urban problems, Cottbus has been attempting to drive urban regeneration policies. Consequently, The urban regeneration policies has proven to be quite successful. Such policies provide positive urban changes, both physically and socially. The study consists of five sections. The first section briefly reviews the definition and meaning of urban regeneration. The second section explores the urban development process and focuses on an analysis urban problem issues in Cottbus. The third & fourth section aim to discern the strategies (Rueckbau/Aufwertung in the German language) for urban regeneration, based on the urban issues and condition of Cottbus. Finally, the fifth provides some suggestions of key policy challenges for Urban Regeneration for small and medium-sized Cities.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on the Berlin Waterfront Development for Urban Regeneration : Focused on the case of Wasserstadt Berlin-Oberhavel, Berlin, Germany vol.17, pp.3, 2017,