A Case of Urosepsis Caused by Aerococcus viridans

Aerococcus viridans에 의한 요로성패혈증 1예

  • Jung, Jin Sung (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center) ;
  • Chang, Se Heon (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center) ;
  • Yoo, Seung Hyen (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center) ;
  • Koo, Nam Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center) ;
  • Park, Yong Won (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center) ;
  • Cheon, Mi Ju (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center) ;
  • Chae, Yun Tae (Department of Internal Medicine, KEPCO Medical Center)
  • 정진성 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과) ;
  • 장세헌 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과) ;
  • 유승현 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과) ;
  • 구남호 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과) ;
  • 박용원 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과) ;
  • 천미주 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과) ;
  • 채윤태 (한전의료재단 한전병원 내과)
  • Received : 2013.07.26
  • Accepted : 2013.10.15
  • Published : 2014.08.01


Aerococcus viridans is a rare pathogen in humans, with only six cases of A. viridans urinary tract infections reported worldwide. Nosocomial urinary tract infections with bacteremia caused by A. viridians are even rarer, with no prior reports of urosepsis caused by A. viridans occurring in the Republic of Korea. Here we report a case of urosepsis caused by A. viridans in a 79 year-old female nursing home resident. The patient was admitted to the hospital presenting a fever of $39^{\circ}C$, chills, and oliguria for two days prior to admission. Urine culture yielded a robust growth of $10^5CFU/mL$ of A. viridians, with blood culture positive for the same organism. Following diagnosis, the patient was treated with ciprofloxacin intravenously for 2 weeks, resulting in clearance of the infection and a full recovery from urosepsis. Although A. viridans is rarely associated with human infections, this case shows that, under the right conditions, it can be responsible for severe infections like urosepsis.

요양 시설에서 지내던 79세 여성이 요로성 패혈증으로 입원하였으며 소변 및 혈액 배양 검사에서 모두 Aerococcus viridans가 동정되었다. 항생제 감수성 결과에 따라 ciprofloxacin을 정맥으로 총 2주 투여하였고 환자는 추가적인 합병증이 발생하지 않고 완치되었다. 이에 저자들은 드물게 보고되는 A. viridans에 의한 요로감염 사례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. 비록 A. viridans가 사람에게 드문 감염균이지만 이번 사례처럼 요로성 패혈증 같은 심각한 감염증의 원인이 될 수도 있으므로 혈액 또는 소변 배양 검사에서 균이 동정될 경우 항생제 감수성 결과에 따라 적절한 항생제 치료가 신속히 행해져야 할 것이다.



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Cited by

  1. Urosepsis with Aerococcus urinae in a Patient with Complicated Urinary Tract Infection vol.91, pp.2, 2016,