A Concealed Brugada Electrocardiogram Pattern Revealed after Administering Propafenone to a Patient with Atrial Fibrillation

심방 세동 환자에게 propafenone 투여 후 발현된 Brugada 심전도 패턴 1예

  • Sim, Hyoung Hun (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital) ;
  • Kwon, Nak Hyun (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital) ;
  • Baeg, Joo Yeong (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital) ;
  • Yun, Chang Yong (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital) ;
  • Ahn, Soo Min (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital) ;
  • Oh, Yu Mi (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Young Jung (Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hospital)
  • Received : 2013.01.03
  • Accepted : 2013.03.05
  • Published : 2014.01.01


Brugada syndrome is characterized by sudden cardiac death associated with ventricular tachyarrhythmia in patients without structural heart disease. We recently observed a case of concealed Brugada ECG pattern, which appeared after oral propafenone administration for atrial fibrillation. A 34-year-old male patient who experienced syncope was admitted to the emergency department with acute atrial fibrillation (AF). Three hundred milligrams of propafenone that were administered to convert AF to sinus rhythm unmasked the Brugada ECG pattern that had remained concealed. The patient showed a type 1 Brugada ECG pattern after taking propafenone.

Brugada 증후군은 구조적 심질환이 없는 환자에게서 발생하는 심실성 부정맥과 연관된 돌연사를 특징으로 한다. 저자 등은 실신을 주소로 내원한 환자의 심방 세동 치료를 위해 propafenone 투약 후 숨겨져 있던 Brugada 심전도 패턴이 드러난 증례를 경험하였다. 실신을 경험한 34세의 남자 환자가 급성 심방 세동으로 응급실로 내원하였으며 propafenone 300 mg 투여 후 Brugada type 1 심전도 패턴이 발현되어 이를 보고하는 바이다.



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