멸치(Engraulis japonicus) 잔사 분말을 첨가한 칼국수의 최적화

Optimizing Recipes of Korean-style Cut Noodles with Anchovy Engraulis japonicus Soup Base Residue Powder

  • 이소연 (부경대학교식품영양학과) ;
  • 류홍수 (부경대학교식품영양학과)
  • Lee, So-Yeon (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Pukyoung National University) ;
  • Ryu, Hong-Soo (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Pukyoung National University)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.24
  • 심사 : 2014.10.06
  • 발행 : 2014.10.31


To develop Korean-style cut noodles with enhanced protein and calcium levels, we manipulated the ratio of dried anchovy Engraulis japonicus soup base residue powder to wheat flour, using a response surface methodology based on trained panel trials to determine the optimum ratio. Texture analysis and nutritional evaluation were also performed on cut noodles containing dried anchovy soup base residue (CNAR). Higher umami taste and springiness, and lower fishy flavor were strongly correlated with overall acceptability. The optimal CNAR formulation consisted of wheat flour (96.02 g), anchovy residue powder (2.67 g), and water (50.64 mL). CNAR had lower gumminess and adhesiveness (P<0.001), but higher springiness, cohesiveness (P<0.001), and chewiness (P<0.05), than the control (original wheat flour cut noodles). The addition of anchovy soup base residue elevated protein, lipid, and ash levels relative to the control. Color values decreased with increasing residue powder content. In vitro protein and starch digestibility of CNAR were lower than in the control (P<0.001). CNAR yielded significantly higher total free amino acid content than the control (P<0.01), leading to CNAR's improved palatability. Dried anchovy soup base residue can be used in wheat flour cut noodles to improve nutrition, sensory acceptability, and profitability.



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