A Study on the Indemnity System of Fishery Damage by Natural Disasters

자연재해로 인한 어업피해 전보방안에 관한 연구

  • Kim, In-Yu (Korea Maritime and Ocean University)
  • Received : 2014.07.10
  • Accepted : 2014.08.10
  • Published : 2014.10.31


This study has seen about a indemnity system of fishery damage by natural disasters such as a problem and improvement methods of government aid system and system on accident insurance for cultured fishery products. Recently, in the situation that the demage of aquaculture industry caused by frequent typhoon resulted from global warming and abnormal changed of weather is nasty, the accident insurance for cultured fishery products is necessary to show its true quality and to protect fishers against natural disasters owing to the limitation of government's aid for them. However, The objects of accident insurance for cultured fishery products which is progress on, is too short to apply, so that it is absolutely insufficient to fulfill the demands of culturing fishermen. Therefore, It could be a certain preparation to magnify the range of object items of it and to convert the trial industry being adjusted to limited area into full scale industry to adjust over all nationally. Furthermore, This insurance is complicated and strict to join rather than other insurances. As it can be seen by examples that got in trouble, despite culturing fishermen applied to join the insurance, they took all demage because the insurance was not realized. So, It is hard to say that causes impute the responsibility of it to the authority of insurance, not culturing fishery. They should simplify the registration process, limit the period each registration process and consider a countermeasure to complete it. Concerning compensation for the loss, agriculture part is easier to investigate the loss due to remained dead crop damaged by natural disaster, meanwhile, in fishing part, especially in case of cultivation of fish, it is difficult to investigate the loss and demage because crops are blown all together with typhoon when it comes plus the facilities of them are also very old. Consequently to solve the problem needs more positive attitude as it is policy insurance.



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