본 논문은 상체움직임을 통하여 자세기능의 변화를 나타냈다. 자세의 기능은 상체의 움직임 변화에 따라 자세의 방향성을 분석하였다. 측정항목은 균형시스템에 따라 자세에 대한 평가로 활용하였다. 중추신경은 $0.226{\pm}0.04$의 변화가 발생하였고, 체성감각은 $0.939{\pm}0.46$의 변화, 전정기관은 $4.009{\pm}1.05$이고, 시각은 $8.336{\pm}4.05$로 변화가 나타났다. 본연구의 결과로 상체움직임에 따른 시각적 변화에 미세하게 영향으로 나타났고, 중수신경의 변화에도 다소 변화가 나타남으로 확인하였다.
The purpose of this study was to show the detection of the head movement within relatively the posture function. An analysis of the posture function was inquired a displacement that the ranges of stance direction showed generally a variation across all condition through the head movement. CNS condition (C_RL-MIN-AVG) was verified slightly greater variation at $0.226{\pm}0.04$ units. Somatosensory condition (So_$RL-_{MIN-AVG}$) was verified slightly greater variation at $0.939{\pm}0.46$ units. Vestibular condition (Ve_$RL-_{MIN-AVG}$) was verified slightly greater variation at $4.009{\pm}1.05$ units. Vision condition (Vi_$RL-_{MIN-AVG}$) was verified greater variation at $8.336{\pm}4.05$ units. When the movement head of vision characteristic function was presented a diminutive variance. On the CNS characteristic condition of the movement head function was presented a diminutive variance.