Analytical Method to Determine the Dynamic Amplification Factor due to Hanger Cable Rupture of Suspension Bridges

현수교 행어 케이블 파단에 의한 동적확대계수의 해석적 결정법

  • 나현호 (한국산업안전보건공단 협력지원팀) ;
  • 김유희 (인하대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 신수봉 (인하대학교 사회인프라공학과)
  • Received : 2014.05.08
  • Accepted : 2014.10.14
  • Published : 2014.11.01


A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the beam is suspended by load-bearing cables. There are two classifications: the self-anchored suspension bridge has the main cable anchored to the bridge girders, and the earth-anchored suspension bridge has the main cable anchored to a large anchorage. Although a suspension bridge is structurally safe, it is prone to be damaged by various actions such as hurricanes, tsunamis and terrorist incidents because its cables are exposed. If damage to a cable eventually leads to the cable rupture, the bridge may collapse. To avoid these accidents, studies on the dynamic behavior of cable bridges due to the cable rupture have been carried out. Design codes specify that the calculated DAF (dynamic amplification factor) should not exceed a certain value. However, it has been difficult to determine DAFs effectively from dynamic analysis, and thus no systematic approach has been suggested. The current study provides a guideline to determine DAFs reliably from the dynamic analysis results and summarizes the results by applying the method to an earth-anchored suspension bridge. In the study, DAFs were calculated at the location of four structural parts, girders, pylons, main cable and hangers, with variations in the rupture time.



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