Assessment of Dam Seismic Safety using the Relationship between Acceleration and JMA Intensity

가속도와 JMA진도 관계를 이용한 댐 시설의 지진 안정성 평가

  • Kang, Gi-Chun (Dam & Watershed Maintenance Department, Water Resources Business Division, K-water) ;
  • Choi, Byoung-Seub (Dam & Watershed Maintenance Department, Water Resources Business Division, K-water) ;
  • Cha, Kee-Uk (Dam & Watershed Maintenance Department, Water Resources Business Division, K-water) ;
  • Cheung, Sang-In (Dam & Watershed Maintenance Department, Water Resources Business Division, K-water) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Wook (Infrastructure Research Center, K-water Institute)
  • 강기천 (한국수자원공사 수자원사업본부 댐.유역관리처) ;
  • 최병습 (한국수자원공사 수자원사업본부 댐.유역관리처) ;
  • 차기욱 (한국수자원공사 수자원사업본부 댐.유역관리처) ;
  • 정상인 (한국수자원공사 수자원사업본부 댐.유역관리처) ;
  • 이종욱 (한국수자원공사 K-water연구원 기반시설연구소)
  • Received : 2014.03.12
  • Accepted : 2014.09.12
  • Published : 2014.11.01


Seismic intensity deduced from instrumental data has been evaluated using the empirical relationship between intensity and peak ground acceleration (PGA) during an earthquake. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) developed a seismic intensity meter, which can estimate the real-time seismic intensity from seismic motions observed at a local site to evaluate the damage during the earthquake more correctly. This paper proposes a practical application of the JMA intensity to dams during the 2013 earthquake in Yeongcheon, Korea. In the present paper, seismic intensity was estimated from the relationships between accelerations observed at Yeongcheon Dam. Estimated seismic intensities were in the range of 0 to 3, which was verified from the displacements of dams and the variation of the ground water level observed at Yeongcheon dam during the earthquake. The JMA intensity, which is determined by considering the frequency, duration of cyclic loading, etc., was 0 (zero) and there was no damage to Yeoncheon dam during the earthquake.



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