Cooperative Guidance Law for Multiple Near Space Interceptors with Impact Time Control

  • Guo, Chao (School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University) ;
  • Liang, Xiao-Geng (Luoyang Optoelectro Technology Development Center)
  • Received : 2014.07.15
  • Accepted : 2014.08.12
  • Published : 2014.09.30


We propose a novel cooperative guidance law design method based on the finite time disturbance observer (FTDO) for multiple near space interceptors (NSIs) with impact time control. Initially, we construct a cooperative guidance model with head pursuit, and employ the FTDO to estimate the system disturbance caused by target maneuvering. We subsequently separate the cooperative guidance process into two stages, and develop the normal acceleration command based on the super-twisting algorithm (STA) and disturbance estimated value, to ensure the convergence of the relative distance. Then, we also design the acceleration command along the line-of-sight (LOS), based on the nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode (NFTSM) control, to ensure that all the NSIs simultaneously hit the target. Furthermore, we prove the stability of the closed-loop guidance system, based on the Lyapunov theory. Finally, our simulation results of a three-to-one interception scenario show that the proposed cooperative guidance scheme makes all the NSIs hit the target at the same time.



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