Selection of Architect Engineering Concept for Barge Mounted SMR Using Systems Engineering Approach

  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


The trade-off studies in the concept development stage to assess the relative goodness of alternative systems concepts for AE (architect engineering) design for the Barge Mounted SMR (BMSMR) is introduced. With respect to design margin, system performance, schedule and risk, the design selection is cond ucted using the following characteristics; barge mobility, system safety under the natural disaster (seismic), power output, interfacing with the other system, and the additional supporting functions as desalination. There are three findings that should be remedied; deficiencies in the assumed characteristics of the system being modeled, deficiencies in the test model, and excessively stringent system requirements. This study is performed using systems engineering approach with trade off matrix method. In order to execute this work, concept development stage is divided into three (3) phases as NA (needs analysis), CE (concept exploration), and CD (concept definition).



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