Plant Growth Promoting Activities of Some Rhizosphere Bacteria and their Effect on Brassica rapa Growth

  • Hussein, Khalid A. (Department of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Jung, Yeong Sang (Department of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Joo, Jin Ho (Department of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2013.11.26
  • Accepted : 2014.05.07
  • Published : 2014.06.30


The necessity to develop economical and eco-friendly technologies is steadily increasing. Plant growth promoting rhizomicrobial strains PGPR are a group of microorganisms that actively colonize plant roots and increase plant growth and yield. Pot experiments were used to investigate the potential of some rhizobacterial strains to enhance the Brassica rapa growth. Microbial strains were successfully isolated from the rhizosphere of Panax ginseng and characterized based on its morphological and plant growth promotion characters. Surface disinfected seeds of Wisconsin Fast B. rapa were inoculated with the selected PGPR microorganisms. The different pots treatments were inoculated by its corresponding PGPR ($10^7cfu\;mL^{-1}$) and incubated in the growth chamber at $25^{\circ}C$ and 65% RH, the light period was adjusted to 24 hours (day). NPK chemical fertilizer and trade product (EMRO, USA) of effective microorganisms as well as un-inoculated control were used for comparison. Plants harvested in 40 days were found to have significant increase in leaf chlorophyll units and plant height and also in dry weight of root and shoot in the inoculated seedlings. Root and shoot length and also leaf surface area significantly were increased by bacterial inoculation in sterile soil. The study suggests that Rhodobacter capsulatus and Azotobacter chroococcum are beneficial for B. rapa growth as they enhance growth and induced IAA production and phosphorus solubilization. This study presents some rhizomicrobial strains that significantly promoted growth of Wisconsin Fast Plant B. rapa in pot experiment under different soil conditions.



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