Analysis of Privacy Vulnerability Caused by Location-Based Service

위치기반 서비스에 따른 개인정보보안 취약점의 사례분석

  • Received : 2014.08.04
  • Accepted : 2014.08.18
  • Published : 2014.09.30


Recently, spread of large amount Smartphones made users to download location-based service applications, which provided by application developers. These location-based service applications are convenient tool for users. Location-based service use technology to find location of user and provide information of user's location. Leakage of information of user's location and expose of privacy life raised new controversy. In this thesis, it will analyze relations of increase of Smartphone market, usage of Location-based service and severity of personal information leakage. Also, it will analyze examples of user's case of damage which caused by leakage personal information and find solutions to reduce damage of personal information leakage. In research, it will find cases of damage that cause by Location-based service. Also it will analyze and research cases of damage and present with graph and chart. In conclusion, to reduce and prevent from damage which caused by leakage personal information, it is important that users and application developers to realize danger of private and personal information leakage. Also, user's personal information must deal with cautiously and application developers have to research and develop the application with powerful security.



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