A Study of the Cross Certification in Internet Banking

인터넷뱅킹에서의 상호인증에 관한 연구

  • 이영교 (서일대학교 인터넷정보과) ;
  • 안정희 (두원공과대학교 스마트폰컨텐츠과)
  • Received : 2014.06.03
  • Accepted : 2014.06.23
  • Published : 2014.09.30


Pharming attack is a confidence trick that the hacker catch away customers financial information on Internet banking. At first, a hacker installs malicious execution code on customers PC in secret. As a customer tries to connect a Internet banking Web site, the malicious code changes it to phishing site in Internet explorer. The hacker catch away customers financial information in process of internet banking. The hacker steals money from customer's bank account using stolen information. PKI is a widespread and strong technology for providing the security using public key techniques. The main idea of PKI is the digital certificate that is a digitally signed statement binding an user's identity information and his public key. The Internet banking service stands on the basis of PKI. However, the bank is trusted in natural, the only customer is certified in the present Internet banking. In this paper, we propose a method of cross certification in Internet banking. The customer certify a bank and the bank certify the customer in proposed method. The method can service to customer the secure Internet banking about pharming attack. We compare the proposed method with other methods.



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